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Job Aids

No Call/No Show Process

A job aid for managers to use when an employee is a no call/no show to show the process and steps to take. Created in Canva Pro.

AED Procedure

A job aid to clearly define roles in an emergency situation. Made to be able to be read quickly as a reminder after training. Created in Canva Pro.

Requesting an Absence 

A job aid for both employees and managers on how to access PeopleSoft and request an absence. Created in Adobe InDesign.

Approving Time in the Portal

A job aid to created for managers to learn the new time approval portal. Images were blurred and text was replaced for anonymity due to company regulations. Created in Adobe InDesign.

Piercing Aftercare

A guide to taking care of new piercings with steps and helpful tips. Created in Adobe Illustrator.

ARC Job Aid

This job aid was made to help the employees quickly be able to determine what to do. This job aid accompanies a training course I created for the ARC, linked here. Created in Canva Pro.

Time Management

A job aid to help with productivity and give helpful tips with how to optimize time while at work. Created in Canva Pro.

Time Management

A job aid to help with productivity and give helpful tips with how to optimize time while at work. I created this version specifically to be used horizontally. Created in Canva Pro.